Weird things your friends might say after you’ve gotten a Helix DNA test
#6: “You don’t look like Napoleon.”
This will happen shortly after you try Geno 2.0 from National Geographic and discover that Napoleon is one of your Genius Matches—famous figures throughout history with common lineage!
#5: “So, karaoke night?”
DNAPassport by HumanCode is the perfect introduction to your genome, revealing over 40 insights about who you are. One of those insights happens to be how well you can hit a perfect note, which can make the difference between Don’t Stop Believin’ and Please Just Stop. (And with DNAPassport’s Orbit feature, you can even see how your traits stack up against your friend’s.)
#4: “You know, I always thought you had an Olympic vibe.”
We may not all be able to take home gold medals, but StartLine by DNAFit can still make you feel like a champion. This just-for-fun product compares your genes and physical attributes to over 8,000 of the world’s greatest athletes to see how you stack up.
#3: “I’m freezing! Can I borrow your DNA?”
The human genome isn’t just about ancestry and health—it’s about fashion, too. Dot One’s Personalized Scarf uses over 30 traits in your DNA to create a colorful pattern that’s completely unique to you. Unless you have an identical twin, you’ll have the only one—so be careful who you lend it to.
#2: “Don’t worry, I’ll take the pineapple on your pizza.”
The human body is an incredible machine. Sometimes, that machine is more reactive to certain foods than others. If you suspect pineapple (or one of over 90 other foods) is making you feel less-than-great, Food Sensitivity+ by EverlyWell can help you learn more.
#1: “Yeah, yeah, yeah, enough about your DNA results—how do I get mine?”
We’ve got you covered! Choose from over 30 great products in the Helix Store from our partners, and get started on your DNA journey today.