My Genobank Project Traits Product Consent
Last modified: July 24, 2019
Thank you for using My Genobank Project Traits. My Genobank Project Traits is built by Helix and offered by the University of Arizona Health Sciences (UAHS) Biorepository. This Product Consent can help you make sense of what using this product means. It tells you the benefits, risks, and limitations of using the product. Please take the time to read it with care.
If you have questions, Helix can help! You can contact them online or call 1-844-211-2070.
Key terms
Any terms not defined here are defined in the UAHS Biorepository Research Consent Form. You should also review Helix's Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Platform Consent.
- Genetic Information: Genetic data used to provide your insights and/or the insight information itself.
- Helix: The builder of this product. For questions about the product or your insights, contact Helix.
- Wellness: The state of being well. It involves factors like your fitness, your diet, and even some of your traits.
Purpose of My Genobank Project Traits
My Genobank Project Traits gives you a sample of what you can learn from your DNA. It also provides you a look at some traits that affect your wellness, appearance, and fitness.
What to expect
To begin, you must register My Genobank Project Traits to your Helix Account. Follow the instructions at to register this product. Before you do, you will need these things:
- A Helix Account
- If you don't have a Helix Account, you will need to create one. You can do so at
- You must be 18 or older to create a Helix Account.
- Genetic Information stored by Helix
- A code to activate My Genobank Project Traits in your Helix Account
- If you are getting this product with a Helix DNA Kit, this code is the same one you use to register your kit. If not, you will get a new code for this product.
This product will use select parts of your Genetic Information in these ways:
- To give you insights about some of your traits that relate to your wellness, appearance, and fitness; and
- To improve your insights and the product over time.
When you agree to this Product Consent, you allow Helix to use select parts of your Genetic Information to produce insights for you. After you consent, Helix will notify you when your insights are ready. If you have already been sequenced, your insights may be ready within a few minutes.
This product may ask you to respond to surveys about your insights. Helix and/or UAHS may use survey results to improve this and other products over time. Whether you respond to these surveys is up to you.
There are benefits that come with using My Genobank Project Traits. You can do so by learning something about what your DNA can tell you about yourself. Having this knowledge may help you make more informed choices about what you eat, how you work out, or how you approach wellness.
How you benefit from My Genobank Project Traits may change over time. You may benefit in ways that cannot be foreseen today.
There are risks that come with using My Genobank Project Traits. These risks are minimal, which means they are risks you would face in your daily life.
There is a chance you could learn something that you didn’t want to know. If you compare your insights with those of a family member, you could find out that you are not related in the way you believed. (For instance, you could find out that you were adopted.) Since you share DNA with your blood relatives, what you learn could also affect them.
There is a risk of a security event in which someone may access your data without your consent. These data could include your name, contact details, or your insights. Helix and the Sponsor take active steps to reduce the risk of such an event. You can find more details in the Helix Privacy Policy.
Your Genetic Information cannot tell you everything about yourself. Your genes are only a part of who you are.
Your insights do not use all of your Genetic Information. The Genetic Information that is not used may affect the traits that your insights describe. Other products may use more Genetic Information for these traits.
Your insights describe traits that result from a mix of your DNA and other factors. These factors could include your lifestyle, your environment, your culture, or chance. Often, these other factors have a greater effect on these traits than DNA.
Your insights include traits that have been studied in people of European descent. What your insights describe about these traits may be less informative for users from other backgrounds.
Your insights are based on the current state of knowledge. Over time, more will be known about how DNA affects your insights. We may update your insights as this knowledge improves.
My Genobank Project Traits will not give you medical insights or advice. You should not make any health choices based solely on your insights. Traits in this product cannot tell you if you have a health condition. If you would like to learn about how your DNA affects your health, you should consult your doctor. You may also want to consult a genetic counselor. You can also use Health products from the Helix Store.
There are also some limitations to the Helix Platform and genetic testing more broadly. You can find more details about these limitations in the Helix Terms of Service and Platform Consent.
Removing My Genobank Project Traits from your Helix Account
If you no longer want access to your insights, you can revoke My Genobank Project Traits' access to your data. You can do so through your Helix Account Settings. Doing so will not remove you from the Genobank Project. Helix and UAHS Biorepository will still have access to your data for research. If you don't want to allow this access, you can withdraw from the Genobank Project. You can find details about how to withdraw in the Genobank Project Research Consent Form.
You may have questions about My Genobank Project Traits or your insights. If you do, you can contact our Customer Care online or call 1-844-211-2070.